Elementary Group 9-12 years old

Children Group 5-8 years old
Best Creative

Elementary Group 9-12 years old

Children Group 5-8 years old
Best Creative

Elementary Group 9-12 years old

Children Group 5-8 years old
Best Creative

Elementary Group 9-12 years old

Children Group 5-8 years old
Best Creative
Elementary Group 9-12 years old

Children Group 5-8 years old
Best Creative
Elementary Group 9-12 years old

Children Group 5-8 years old
Best Creative
Elementary Group 9-12 years old

Children Group 5-8 years old
Best Creative

CreArt Canada

2023 CreArt Canadian Painting & Design Competition
for Children & Youth
Submission Period:
March 15 to June 15, 2023
Each Candidate is able to submit 2 entries.
Topic: Tomorrow
Tomorrow is a word with hope, and people are full of imagination about tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow, you will meet more friends and spend precious time together. Or maybe tomorrow's technology will be more developed and bring convenience to the world. Tomorrow, man and nature learn to live in harmony, and you are the witness. The imagination of tomorrow may start from the things around you, and it can also be your vision of the future world. There are no limitations, the most important thing is to express your thoughts.
On a 14" x 17" sheet of paper,
Create a 4-step sequence story picture,
Can be drawn by hand or digitally
Age Group
Group C : age 13-18
Group D : age 19-23
Gold Award($1000/Person)
Silver Award($500/Person)
Bronze Award($300/Person)
No limits on the forms or materials.
It can be a sketch, oil painting, watercolor, acrylic, etc.
Age Group
Group A : age 5-8
Group B : age 9-12
Group C : age 13-18
Group D : age 19-23
Artwork Size Requirement: 14“x17”
Gold Award($500/Person)
Silver Award($300/Person)
Bronze Award($100/Person)
Copyright Authorization Agreement:
Participant will grant to CreArt Canada an irrevocable, unlimited license to display, copy, sell, sublicense, publish, and create and sell derivative works from, my work submitted for CreArt Competition. CreArt Canada is not responsible for lost or damaged works. Entries will not be returned. Participant should affirm that this is his/her own original work. Participant understands that the submission of his/her entry into the CreArt Canada Painting Competition constitutes acceptance of the above condition, in addition to his/her agreement of the rules and guidelines stated in 2021 CreArt Painting Competition Submission Rules and Guidelines. CreArt Canada reserves the final right to make any changes.
Contest Rules:
CreArt Canada in 2023, the Canadian Painting Competition for Children and Youth: through online application, every contestant shall take high-definition photos of the final works and submit the photos together with the application documents
Every contestant can apply for two entries at most
Photos of the entries must be of high-definition, which helps the selection of judgers.
The works submitted must be original, or they’ll be disqualified if found to be cheating.
Sizes of the entries must accord with the contest rules, or the entries will be disqualified.
The works submitted must accord with the subject of the competition, or they’ll be disqualified.
Application Fee:
e-transfer to info@creartcanada.com
Please leave the name of participant in the note section.
Application fee will be 20 CAD for the first artwork, the second one will be 10 CAD.
Each applicant could submit no more than 2 artworks to participant in each competition category.